I removed a tick from my right upper thigh. Yesterday, Great.
For the last 3-4 weeks, I have noticed that the symptoms have started to re-appear. Sore feet, sore joints, still neck, shoulder pain, head pain, mood swings, light sensitivity, floaters, phantom images, eyes wandering, nerves miss-firing, twitching, rashes, nausea, cloudy or foggy vision and just plain sick tired..... I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK THERE! I will not surrender.
So now I face the facts, I have lost over 60 + pounds since I have started my lyme disease fight with antibiotics. Went from a size 12-13 in pants to a size 4-6. Yeah woohoo just in time for the summer bikini body. But no, really, now that I have lost all that weight, I fear that I may not be able to handle another long term dose of antibiotics. I have to purchase a large bottle of probiotics, high Omega-3's and vitamins and I guess go back to the doctor and beg for antibiotics like I am some crack head looking for a fix.
I will say this again, just in-case I was not heard before. Unless you have something that takes over your body and tells it what to do, giving you no rights over what happens to your body. You can only image what it must be like. I will not surrender.
The rules that have been put in place to protect us and help us when we get sick only contradicts it self. You can be sick, but only as sick as the text books says you should be. I don't give a crap what the text book cases of lyme disease are, I am not a text book definition and nor should anyone else be treated that way when they come to you asking for help. Remember that test results should never be taken in their entirety. A
person can continuously yield negative test results for Lyme and its co-infections, and still have full blown Chronic Lyme Disease. Use your symptoms, rule out all other possible major causes, and most importantly, go with your instincts!With
the precarious nature of diagnosing Lyme Disease, and even the nonacceptance among physicians of its existence, let no physicians
opinion be your perceived or desired truth without rational inquiry.
Lyme disease, has been an eye opener for many things in my life. It has changed my life forever. I have realized that my children are my life and that their happiness depends on my health. My relationship's in life depend on my health, I have already witnessed what happens when one reaches the edge of death alone. And I don't ever want to be there again. I will not surrender.
It has been confirmed that I will not walk this walk alone.
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